Cameroon is the first exporter of bananas from the African Continent due to its special characteristics of soil and climate, which is why the Cameroon banana is known for its quality and flavor in the international markets in Europe, Asia and North America.
Variety : Cavendish Banana.
Class : "A" Premium. First Class.
Finger Length : 18 cm Minimun.
Finger Diameter : Min. 39 mm - Max. 46 mm.
Number of fingers per hand : Min. 5 until 12 fingers.
Fruit Age : Min: 10 weeks - Max. 13 weeks.
Box : Boxes 22XU (18.14 KG or 19.45 KG Net) 960 or 1080 boxes in palletized container.
Packing : Cover, at the bottom cardboard and Vacuum bag or polipack.